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The Zygon Invasion Overnight Ratings

Doctor Who saw a drop in overnight numbers in the Uk to 3.87 million. This was however still a 19.4% share of the audience, only slightly down on the previous week. More importantly, The X Factor on ITV which as scheduled directly opposite Doctor Who achieved just 5.63 million, which whilst it is more than Doctor Who, is significantly lower than might be expected for live 'event' TV.

CT450 Guest Editor: Alan Stevens

Hi everyone,

Yes, I'm back again. This time guest-editing Celestial Toyroom issue 450.

Doctor Who and the Communist

Michael Herbert will be giving a talk on "Doctor Who and the Communist: the writing career and politics of Malcolm Hulke" on Wednesday 11 November 2015, starting at 2pm. The venue is the Working Class Movement Library, 51 Crescent, Salford, M5 4WX.

Cosmic Masque is coming...

Hello, I'm over here now!

I've promised to make better use of my blog from now on, so you should be reading more from me, should you click this way.

The Underwater Menace DVD

Further details about the forthcoming DVD release of the Underwater Menace are now available.

Episodes 1 & 4 will be represented by telesnaps and restored audio. There will also be the following extras:

Top of the Class?

The BBC have announced a new 8 x 45 minute Doctor Who Spin off from the Young Adult author Patrick Ness (Chaos Walking trilogy and A Monster Calls). Class is a Young Adult series set in contemporary London.

A Complete Adventure in one Programme

Probably as a result of the Rugby World Cup hitting the initial audience for Series 9, the BBC has announced that Sunday at 3.15pm will feature a double bill of 'The Magicians Apprentice' and 'The Witches Familiar'. Or as we used to say back in the 1970s, 'a complete adventure in one programme...'

The Magician's Apprentice Catch Up Numbers

Last Saturday's episode has already added 1.1 million UK viewers who used the online catch up service - that takes the initial overnight figure of 4.58 million to 5.68 million. More viewers are likely to be added in the next few days.

Our New Celestial Toyroom Editor

I am pleased to announce that the new editor of CT will be John Davies. Readers will know John's work from recent editions of the magazine and also from his wider contributions to the SF genre. Of particular note is the recent book 'Blakes Heaven' which John edited. (And which is still available from Amazon - )

Goodbye Clara

Jenna Coleman has confirmed that she is leaving the programme at some stage this season.