
Celestial Toyroom issue 549 is at the printers.

Contents include:

In memoriam: William Russell Enoch

Reviews of Space Babies to 73 Yards

"The greatest boon ever bestowed on humanity" : 40 years of The Caves of Androzani

A view from the Bullring: The Capitol Seven Wonders reviewed

Sophie Aldred: Conventional wisdom

Phil Ford: From the Midlands to Mars

The sign of crossed computers: AI in Doctor Who

Why doesn't the Doctor ever visit Ireland?

Doctor Who is Required: Changing viewer habits

Celebrating 40 years of the Sixth Doctor

The Airzone Solution: A thriller of epic proportions

Elementary, my dear Doctor - The Hound of the Baskervilles with Who alumni

Grace, Yorkshire tea and David's underpants - The Doctor Who Merchandise Museum

Secrets and sonics: The return of Doctor Who Magic: The Gathering

The New Adventurers: Warhead

Plus letters and the Coordinator's Column!