CT 510

Celestial Toyroom issue 510 is now in production, and delivery is expected at the end of September. This issue is a special tribute to John Nathan-Turner, whose first story as producer was aired forty years ago this month.

Contents include:

Special cover by Andy Hackett
JNT by Colin Baker
Coordinator's Corner
Remembering John
Whom? on JNT
Its Change my Dear, and Not Before Time
Excavating Battlefield
Promoting the Brand by Edward Russell
Memories of a Wilderness Years Fan
Memories of John Nathan-Turner
Henrician Shadows
The Five Faces of Doctor Who
First Impressions
JNT at the Dawn of Doctor Who Magazine by Jeremy Bentham
You Had to Be There
The Happiness Patrol
Thanks for the Memories
The Memory Cheats
Tardis Monkey Talks with Sophie Aldred
JNT - A Man More Sinned Against Than Sinning
The Coordinator Remembers

The magazine also includes some rare photographs and an increased page count.

This is Ian Wheeler's last edition as editor.