Auto-Renewal of Membership
Everyone is welcome to join our auto-renewal service. Our merchant service provider, Worldpay will hold your debit/credit card details securely (DWAS will never see these) and automatically charge your card for your renewal every six months or every year. You choose the payment date in the month of renewal. As the cardholder you remain in full control. You can cancel the agreement at any time either by contacting us or directly with Worldpay and will receive a full confiramtion of the arrangement once entered into.
If you are interested in going ahead please email with:
1. your name, address and membership number (if you have it to hand)
2. Whether you wish to renew annually or each six months
3. The day of the month you would like your card charged (default date is 1st)
We will then email you an invitation to join. There is no obligation – you do not have to go ahead.
It does not matter when your membership expires – you can set up this agreement at any time.
This type of renewal is good for you as you will not need to send us payment next time round, and it is good for us as we save money on mailing out renewal letters (and have more money to spend on CT!)